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Amni Izam2 min read

Unlock Your Inner Calm: Essential Tips for Dealing with Overwhelming Feelings

Why you feel like this

Feeling overwhelmed happens to the best of us. 

That uncomfortable feeling you get when there’s too much on your plate or when big or small inconveniences impact you in close succession—that feeling is normal. If you are stifled by over-commitments or paralysed by obligations, this article is for you. 

When more input comes in than you can deliver, doubting yourself is easy. Overwhelming can occur for short or long periods. However, feeling overwhelmed is not the same as being stressed; stress can be a good source of motivation (i.e. temporary higher adrenaline levels to complete tasks at hand), while being overwhelmed hinders you from taking the right action to handle your situation. 


Common causes of overwhelm


Excessive workload

Are you dealing with a lot on your plate? Or do you work in a high-stress environment? This can throw you into overdrive.



Drastic changes caused by experiences (relationship issues, financial struggles,  life-altering diagnoses, etc.) can alter your coping mechanisms.


Major life changes

Finding yourself in a new environment (moving to a new place, starting a new job, getting married, etc.) can overwhelm you.


Lack of sleep

Not getting enough sleep significantly affects your ability to cope.

Everyone’s ability to cope varies, and what overwhelms one person might not bother another. When you’re overwhelmed, how you respond to changes and challenges can exacerbate the situation and worsen things. Feeling overwhelmed is unpleasant, and the key is quickly resetting yourself so you can recuperate and return to a manageable state. 

Here are four tips to help you calm down and deal with any scenario you’re in the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed:


1. Stop what you are doing (No, really. Just stop.)

Take 5 to 10 minutes to pause and temporarily remove yourself from the source to gain footing. 


2. Take a breath

Take a deep breath. Maybe another. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to self-calm. Shift the attention to your breath. Use your chest or stomach as an anchor to keep yourself present. Take notice of how your body feels as you breathe in and out.


3. Observe yourself and your surroundings

As you breathe, notice the sensations in your body (e.g., “I notice that I feel my neck is tense”). If a thought comes and distracts you, don’t panic; observe that thought (e.g., “I notice I have a thought that I’m not going to meet the task deadline”). 

You can also notice your emotions (e.g., “I notice I feel overwhelmed”). This process helps you to zoom out of your thoughts and refocus.


Once you gain a little control of your current state of mind, choose the next best step. Maybe you’re sleep-deprived and need rest. Instead of pushing yourself to complete the task, take a nap.


Next Steps

Feeling overwhelmed is normal if it happens occasionally, and you can recover quickly with a few of the self-care methods outlined above. However, not all overwhelm is created equal - and if you find that you cannot cope and bounce back, consider speaking to a professional mental health coach or practitioner. Naluri offers in-app digital health coaching that includes access to psychological support and one-on-one in-person or virtual consultations with mental health practitioners that can tailor strategies and therapies to help you thrive. For immediate support, free counselling support is available around the clock via phone or WhatsApp. If you want to talk, we want to listen. 

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