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Amanda Xavier2 min read

Take the Test: Why Checking Your Mental Health is Important

Your mental health is determined by your ability to manage your behaviour, feelings, and thoughts. Similar to physical health, it can fluctuate from good to bad days and falls on a spectrum. It’s common to experience varying levels of mental well-being, and you may have days where you feel great and other days where you don’t. It’s essential to prioritise improving your overall mental health because it significantly impacts your quality of life.

Your mental health can influence: 

  • Your relationship with your loved ones (family and friends)

  • Your productivity at work

  • Your interest in social activities

  • Energy levels

  • Sleep and rest

Most people know when something isn’t quite right with their mental health. They may describe it as not feeling like their usual selves. If this feeling is temporary, it’s typically nothing to worry about. However, if it persists, it’s essential to take a moment for a self-mental health check in and prioritise your overall well-being. Consider taking the Naluri Mental Health Assessment to gain insight into your mental state and determine if additional support or resources are necessary.


The tell-tale signs of good mental health


You feel good

A key indicator of good mental health is experiencing a sense of contentment and satisfaction with your life. Changes in mood, particularly sudden or severe shifts towards feeling worse, can signal the need to check in on your mental health.


You participate

A sense of belonging is crucial to good mental health, providing security, acceptance, and support. If you withdraw from social interactions and lose interest in activities you once enjoyed, it may be a sign that your mental health is suffering.

If you need someone to talk to and work through your feelings, consider contacting a Naluri Mental Health Coach via phone, WhatsApp, or a psychologist for one-on-one consultations.

While it’s normal to experience occasional loneliness, prolonged social isolation may indicate that your mental health needs additional support.

It’s important to note that others may notice changes in your mental well-being before you do. It’s essential to have an open mind and be willing to seek support from others.


You bounce back from challenges

Sometimes, unfortunate events can occur, but it’s not uncommon for some individuals to be skilled at bouncing back from adversity. Resilience is a vital aspect of good mental health that entails adapting and recovering from setbacks. Resilient individuals don’t dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and move forward.

If you struggle to cope with setbacks and feel overwhelmed, it might be an ideal time to check your mental health’s resilience. The good news is that resilience is a skill that can be enhanced, and if you’re interested in learning more about how to improve it, contact a Naluri Mental Health Coach.

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