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Take the Leap: The Benefits of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Written by Hanani Damiri | March 2, 2023 at 8:25 AM

What is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is a psychologically safe space where you control the environment to limit causing yourself stress or anxiety. For most people, a comfort zone looks like a routine - sitting in your favourite chair after coming home from a long day at work or playing the same music repeatedly.

Being comfortable is nice. Reducing stress is good. Limiting anxiety is great, right? Right. Or is it? 


Why should I step outside of my comfort zone?

Taken to the extreme, staying in your comfort zones can be a trap that limits your personal growth and development. The longer you stay there, the harder it is to get out, experiment, learn, and grow. 

Here are three main reasons why you should move beyond the safe and familiar:

Build resilience

All successful people have taken risks and failed at some point, but they were able to pick themselves back up and re-challenge themselves to get to where they are today. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks will come with some stress or anxiety, but going through challenges will help you build resilience in the long run.

Unleashes your potential

You can’t learn much by staying in your comfort zone. You never know what you might realise or discover about yourself! Once you step out and begin new activities, you will unleash your true potential. You’ll find new types of food you enjoy or a sport or activity at which you’re good.

Strengthen your adaptability skills

Change can be frightening, or it can be an opportunity. Change will always be perceived as a scary venture without stepping outside of your comfort zone and honing your adaptability skills. 

Adaptability is consistently listed as one of the most desirable soft skills in any workplace. Why? Because adaptable people can learn new skills quickly and thrive in changing circumstances. 


How do I start?

There are simple things you can do daily to help you step out of your comfort zone. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Switch up your routine

You can start with something small. While eating dinner, try to turn off your phone and other distractions, decide to wear different sets of clothes, or simply slow down to take in the scenery on a walk. Do you listen to the news at the same time every day? Skip it! Why not spend that time listening to that podcast your friends are always talking about? These small changes break you out of your old habits.

Face a fear

Confronting your fears can boost confidence and self-esteem, and reaching a goal is linked to dopamine release, the hormone responsible for making you feel good. If you are shy, go on a date, speak up at work, or have a difficult conversation with a relative as a first step. Conquering something you dread will empower you. 

Consult a pro

If you’re finding it tough to get started, reach out for help. Find inspiration through friends and family, or step out of your comfort zone by consulting a therapist or professional health coach or joining a support group.

You’re more likely to commit if you’re accountable to someone else. 


Whether it becomes a regular part of your life or a one-time event to venture outside of your comfort zone, volunteering will undoubtedly teach you something new. The life lessons learnt from volunteering will increase your creativity, improve your understanding and perception of the world, and ultimately give you a sense of accomplishment and pride while giving back to the community.

Learn something new

Learning something new will help you escape your comfort zone and have several essential health benefits. You’re exercising your brain, which will enhance your cognitive abilities like focus, attention to detail, memory recall, and problem-solving and lessen the risk of dementia. If you enrol in a class to acquire your new skill, you will meet other people trying to learn the same skill. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and join a support group to help you grow.

Embrace the new you

Living in your comfort zone is safer as long as the world around you remains the same. But learning to be adaptable, flexible and resilient is far more rewarding. Venture out of your comfort zone so you can live the life you deserve. Naluri can help you discover opportunities to grow and succeed in all aspects of your life. Get the support you need from a professional you can trust today.


This article was brought to you by Naluri’s Mental Health Coaches. Naluri empowers you to develop healthy lifestyle habits, achieve meaningful health outcomes, and be healthier and happier through personalised coaching, structured programmes, self-guided lessons, and health tools and devices. Download the Naluri app today or contact for more information on utilising digital health coaching and therapy to become a happier, healthier you.