Articles - Mental Health, Parenting, Resilience - Naluri

Resilience Framework: How to Build Resilience In the Workplace

Written by Naluri | July 18, 2023 at 3:41 AM

Work can get stressful. There are obstacles and uncertainties left and right, whether the constant pressure from upper management or the tension that sometimes fills the office. And let’s not forget those projects with demanding clients and ridiculously short deadlines! But one of the qualities that set you apart from the crowd is resilience.

Resilient individuals thrive in the face of adversity. They can adapt swiftly and maintain their productivity. All while gaining valuable knowledge they can use in the future.

This article discusses Resilience Theory, a framework that empowers individuals and organisations to navigate uncertainty and overcome obstacles.


What is Resilience Theory?

Resilience is not about avoiding problems or resisting change. It welcomes inevitable problems as pivotal lessons in the journey of gaining knowledge. It’s all about embracing those problems. By definition, Resilience Theory emphasises how individuals and teams can adapt, recover and grow in the face of adversity. Resilience Theory suggests that resilience is not a fixed trait or characteristic but a dynamic process that can be developed and strengthened with continuous learning. This means that resilience building starts from childhood and continues to the workplace. Here are the four key elements of Resilience Theory:


  • Protective factors: Personal, relational, and environmental factors that promote resilience provide a buffer against adversity. Traits like self-esteem and optimism help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep you positive. Even your pet bunny, your family and colleagues provide strong social support networks and access to resources during demanding times.
  • Risk factors: Certain things make you more vulnerable to adversity. It is your interest to identify and minimise these factors to equip yourselves with the tools to overcome adversity. One example of a risk factor is the need for more supporting resources. When you don’t have the necessary tools or assistance to tackle problems, it can feel overwhelming and discouraging, like trying to swim upstream without a paddle.
  • Adaptation and coping: It’s essential to recognise your limits and capabilities. By understanding and empathising with these individual differences, you can identify the proper support for yourself and your team. When you implement various coping strategies to navigate challenging situations, such as problem-solving, seeking social support, positive reframing, and maintaining a sense of optimism, you can handle the most stressful situations with unwavering confidence.
  • Positive growth and transformation: Resilience Theory recognises that adversity can lead to personal growth, post-traumatic growth, and positive change. Experiencing resilience develops new strengths, perspectives, and a greater appreciation for life, contributing to your overall well-being. So you should always seek challenging problems to stretch your mind fibre and emerge stronger.


This framework shows how multifaceted a quality such as resilience can be. It represents how numerous factors play a role in determining the strength of an individual, such as personal characteristics like optimism, to external factors like support systems and workplace culture. Therefore, it’s essential to understand these components and their interplay to build resilience.


How Can You Efficiently Build Resilience in the Workplace?

Resilience Theory provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and cultivating resilience in the workplace. Leveraging the understanding of this framework, here are some practical tips for resilience building in the workplace, segmented into protective factors and building support systems.


Protective Factors

  • Education and awareness: Self-reflection is a powerful tool. It allows you to evaluate the different habits and life circumstances that affect your resilience and hold yourself accountable. By seeking coaching, mentoring and employee assistance programs and completing self-assessment tests, you become increasingly aware of the emotions and factors that might affect your resilience levels. Furthermore, you can practice self-awareness methods such as journaling and meditation to underline your strengths and weaknesses while surrounding yourself with a culture of accountability and self-improvement.
  • Foster self-efficacy and optimism: Self-efficacy, the belief in one’s ability to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges, is a key component of resilience. Fostering self-efficacy is not an overnight task. It often requires constant learning and challenging ourselves. You can foster your self-efficacy and confidence by searching for opportunities to develop new skills, seeking constructive feedback or recognition, and requesting to be assigned challenging yet achievable tasks. Similarly, promoting optimism and a positive outlook around the office can help maintain resilience in the face of setbacks.
  • Enhance emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in building resilience. It involves recognising, understanding, and managing emotions effectively. You could develop your EI by attending training and workshops on emotional awareness, empathy, and stress management. By enhancing emotional intelligence, you can better cope with stress, maintain positive relationships, and navigate challenging situations.
  • Develop adaptive coping strategies: Resilience Theory emphasises the importance of adaptive coping strategies, which involve actively engaging with challenges and utilising effective problem-solving techniques. Developing adaptive coping strategies is not smooth sailing. It requires trial and error, but by learning how to manage stress and time, decision-make, and resolve conflict, you can handle most workloads and problems. A shift of mindset is also required to develop resilience. Consider viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning by positively reframing problems. In this sense, you are equipped to welcome all kinds of problems with an unwavering spirit and learn from them.


Building Support Systems

  • Cultivate social support networks: Social support is a crucial external factor contributing to resilience. You must take charge and value the important relationships in your lives! Take that bunny out to the park, buy your parents dinner, and actively seek strong social support networks within the workplace. By promoting teamwork, friendship, collaboration, and open communication in the workplace, you foster a culture where everyone feels comfortable seeking support and assistance from their colleagues and supervisors. You could highlight the importance of open and honest communication so that colleagues also feel inclined to voice out their opinions free of the worry of embarrassment. Remember, good communication starts with you, so be a role model in the workplace. Social support gives you a sense of belonging, encouragement, and practical assistance during difficult times, so invest the time and energy into meaningful conversations.
  • Self-support: Prioritising your well-being is often overlooked. Things like work-life balance and a growth mindset make you a healthier and happier worker.
  • Incorporate team-building activities: Team-building can be so much fun, and it’s a great way to bring people together and strengthen that sense of camaraderie within work teams. So, you could try to organise some awesome team-building activities promoting a supportive and united atmosphere. Get creative with these activities! Think about group exercises and team challenges that encourage teamwork and collaboration. It could be anything from problem-solving activities to outdoor adventures that require everyone to work together. The goal is to strengthen those bonds between team members and foster mutual support.
  • Resources for employee assistance programs: There is no shame in prioritising your mental health. Many companies offer Employee assistance programs (EAPs) as an effective way to support employees’ mental health and well-being. Inquire about these programs and firm that they are confidential and available.



Resilience is an essential quality for your well-being and job satisfaction. If you are leading a team and want to boost resilience, try to provide the resources needed to promote stress management and problem-solving skills. If you aren’t there yet, you could demand resources to increase your resilience to climb the workplace ladder. By embracing flexibility and accepting that resilience requires time and energy, you can start your journey to become resilient, founded on the four key elements of Resilience Theory.