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How to Meal Plan & Eat Healthy On a Budget: Tips From a Dietitian - Naluri

Written by Naluri | April 26, 2024 at 5:52 AM

Imagine this: It's Wednesday evening, you're just getting home after a long day of work, and the last thing you want to do is figure out what's for dinner. The fridge is a mix of random ingredients, and the temptation to abandon cooking for the night and order takeout or eat out is mounting by the second. This happens more often than you’d like, and you suddenly find yourself ordering out more than eating in. Sound familiar?

When ordering takeout, it can be difficult to ensure you have an adequate meal portion and a good balance of nutrients. While there are healthier takeout options that may be better for your health, they may impact your wallet over time.

But what if we told you there's a way you can overcome this all-too-familiar scenario? That's where meal prepping comes in.

Meal prepping has become an increasingly popular method for cultivating a healthy relationship with food, and saving time and money. However, it can be hard to know where to start and what you should know before you embark on your meal prepping journey.

To help you get started, we sat down with Naluri Dietitian Ivy to get her insights on how to meal prep and eat healthy on a budget.

Naluri Dietitian Ivy Ong is a qualified Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) passionate about transforming lives through the transformative power of nutrition. Ivy looks beyond what you eat, as she strongly believes in a holistic approach towards diet, nutrition, and overall health.

Here’s what Ivy had to say about meal prepping and her top tips on how you can eat healthy without spending a lot of money.


What is meal prep?

Think of meal prep as your helping hand throughout the week. It's all about planning and preparing your meals and snacks in advance. But it’s not just about cooking in bulk – it’s about making your life easier. It ensures that no matter how busy your day gets, you've got a nutritious, delicious meal waiting for you in the fridge.


Why should you meal prep?

You might be wondering, "Why should I meal prep?". Well, let me give you three simple and powerful reasons why getting into meal prep could really make a difference for you.

  • Stay healthy: When you have a fridge full of delicious, ready-to-eat meals, you're less likely to grab something unhealthy in a time crunch. 
  • Save money: By planning your meals in advance, you can buy exactly what you need at the grocery store, which means less waste. Plus, cooking at home is usually cheaper than eating out or ordering delivery. 
  • Save time: With meals ready to go, you'll spend less time cooking and making decisions about what to eat each day. This means no more standing in front of the fridge, wondering what’s on the menu.

How to start meal prepping?

If you’re looking to start your journey on meal prepping and don’t know where to start, my biggest piece of advice is to take it one step at a time and start small. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way!

  1. Focus on one meal a day: Choose breakfast, lunch, or dinner to get started. If you’re unsure which one to choose, think about which meal you often skip or opt for takeout, and start there. For example, if you tend to skip breakfast in the mornings because you’re rushing out the door, you can prepare your overnight oats the night before to save you time in the morning.
  2. Think about recipes that taste good and stay fresh for a few days: There's nothing more disappointing than soggy salads or dry chicken. Your chosen meals should be as enjoyable on day three as they were on day one. Plus, you can spend time focusing in on including nutritious recipes to not just feed your hunger, but to nourish your body, too.
  3. Make a shopping list for your next grocery run: This might seem like a tiny and redundant step, but it's a game changer. It helps you buy exactly what you need - nothing more and nothing less. This way, you're not only saving money, but you're also cutting down on food waste—a win-win!
  4. Set aside a block of time each week for your meal prep: Spending a few hours on a weekend preparing a batch of meals for the following week can mean stress-free evenings after long days. There's something deeply satisfying about opening your fridge to find meals ready to go.
  5. Ensure that food prep areas and utensils are clean and free from cross-contamination: During and after prepping your meals, make sure to regularly wipe down surfaces, use separate cutting boards for raw meats and vegetables, and keep your cooking utensils sanitised. These habits not only contribute to the safety and healthiness of your meals but also enhance your overall meal prep experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient.
  6. Clearly label containers with the contents and date prepared: This is particularly important for perishable items that can spoil and cause food-borne illnesses if consumed past their prime. For diets with strict restrictions, such as gluten-free or nut-free diets, this can also help avoid confusion and ensure safety, especially when living in a shared household.


What is the best way to meal prep?

Finding a meal prep style that fits your life is about what makes you happy and easy for you to practice. Some people like having meals ready to grab when in a rush, while others prefer prepping certain bits of meals to mix together later. I suggest trying out different methods until you find what works best for you. But remember, meal prep should make your life better and be a process that you enjoy!

Here are some easy tips to help you with meal prep, whether you're cooking just for yourself, for a family, or for special diet needs:

How to meal prep for one
    • Pick what you like: Focus on meals that cater to your personal taste preferences, nutritional requirements, and lifestyle. This could mean preparing high-protein dishes if you're an athlete, or low-carb meals if you're following a specific diet.
    • Use individual containers: This not only helps in controlling portion sizes but also makes it easy to grab a meal on the go.
    • Keep it interesting: You don’t want to get bored eating the same thing every day. Prepare a range of dishes that can be mixed and matched throughout the week. Using versatile ingredients can help create different meals with minimal extra effort.

How to meal prep for a family
    • Plan together: Get everyone in the family to help choose the meals to put on the menu. This way, everyone will be a part of the process and get a say in what they'll eat for the week.
    • Cook in batches: Prepare large portions of family favourites that can be easily reheated throughout the week. Dishes like stews and pasta sauce usually taste better the next day and are great for feeding larger groups.
    • Make flexible meals: Cook something simple that can be changed for different tastes. For example, a basic tomato sauce can be plain for kids or separately spiced up for adults.

How to meal prep for specific diet needs
    • Plan mindfully: Make sure your meals meet your dietary needs. This might mean paying more attention to the nutrients or types of food you're eating.

In conclusion, meal prepping is a powerful tool that can transform your eating habits, save you time and money, and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle with ease. Whether you're cooking for yourself or your family or catering to specific dietary needs, the right approach to meal prepping can make all the difference. It's about making healthy choices easy, enjoyable, and stress-free. Remember, it's not just about preparing food; it's about preparing for success in your health and wellness journey.

If you're looking to take your meal prepping to the next level or need personalised advice to align your diet with your health goals, chat or book a 1-on-1 consultation with a Naluri Dietitian today. Our dietitians will guide you towards a healthier, happier you with personalised nutrition advice and practical meal prepping tips to incorporate into your routine.